
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2012

Blow, Gabriel, Blow de "Anything Goes"

Gosto muito desta música! Letras! Do you hear that playin'? Yes, we hear that playin'! Do you know who's playin'? No, who is that playin'? Well, it's Gabriel, Gabriel playin'! Gabriel, Gabriel sayin' "Will you be ready to go When I blow my horn?" Oh, blow, Gabriel, blow, Go on and blow, Gabriel, blow! I've been a sinner, I've been a scamp, But now I'm willin' to trim my lamp, So blow, Gabriel, blow! Oh, I was low, Gabriel, low, Mighty low, Gabriel, low. But now since I have seen the light, I'm good by day and I'm good by night, So blow, Gabriel, blow! Once I was headed for hell, Once I was headed for hell; But when I got to Satan's door I heard you blowin' on your horn once more, So I said, "Satan, farewell!" And now I'm all ready to fly, Yes, to fly higher and higher! 'Cause I've gone through brimstone And I've been through the fire, And I purged my soul ...

Anything Goes - Tony Awards 1988

Esta é a melhor versão desta canção tão legal de Cole Porter! Letras: Times have changed And we've often rewound the clock Since the Puritans got a shock When they landed on Plymouth Rock. If today, any shock they should try to stem, 'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock,Plymouth Rock would land on them. In olden days a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as something shocking Now heaven knows, anything goes Good authors too who once knew better words Now only use four letter words writing prose Anything goes The world has gone mad today And good's bad today And black's white today And day's night today When most guys today that women prize today Are just silly gigolos So though I'm not a great romancer I know that you're bound to answer When I propose, anything goes 

I Dreamed a Dream - Les Miserables

Claro que esta música maravilhosa não poderia ficar de fora da minha "seleção" (mesmo ficando famosa, não por si só, pela mensagem, pelo musical de onde é, mas pela voz de Susan Boyle). Bom, espero que gostem da versão original da música! 

Come to Me (Fantine's Death) - Les Miserables

Esta canção é no mesmo ritmo de "I Dreamed a Dream", que ficou famosa por ser cantada pela "talentosa" Susan Boyle. Bom, é uma música linda, como todas. Espero que gostem! 

Who Am I? - Les Miserables

Sem muito pra dizer! 

Do You Hear the People Sing? - Les Miserables

Mais uma música de Les Miserables! Não resisti, não esperei pra colocar outro dia! Curtam! 

One Day More - Les Miserables

Essa música, ou melhor, todas as músicas deste grande musical me fazem chorar muito!!!! Todos os musicais que eu vejo, seja no You Tube, seja ao vivo, me emociona, mesmo sendo a mais engraçada comédia! Espero que gostem! 

Listen to Your Heart - Roxette

Listen to your heart, when he's calling for you. Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do. I don't know where you're going, and I don't know why, but listen to your heart, before you tell him goodbye....

Vox Populi - Ana Carolina

O povo fala mesmo, mas eu não fujo do combate, nada disso me provoca, é gente que não me conhece!